2024 MBL Fall League Schedule

All Coaches have been sent a PDF with the week 4 schedules.

*** PARENTS: If you have not been contacted by your fall coach regarding the schedule/ season, contact your coach and/or MBL.

In most cases, please disregard the "STATUS" column for your game. Any game info displayed is the latest game info - game time, field, teams, etc.
PENDING - Indicates the game was created and no changes have been made since creation.
RESCHEDULED - Indicates something was changed after the game was originally created.
CANCELLED - Indicates the game may have been cancelled.  Check with your coach or manager to confirm.

  • Please set at least one filter.
iCal Calendar Invite CSV format
Game ID Date Home Team Away Team Field Status
{{ game.id }} {{ format_date(game.gameDate) }} {{ game.homeTeamDisplayableNameWithDivision }} {{ game.awayTeamDisplayableNameWithDivision }} {{ game.fieldDisplay }} {{ game.displayableStatus }}
{{ placeholderText }}